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Teacher Toolbox

Target Audience: Teachers (All)

Teacher Toolbox

Below are some templates and resources you may find helpful as you begin your school year using Accelerate Education courses.  Please be sure to review the hyperlinked resources carefully and edit them to match your program policies, platform use, and implementation.

Start Strong!

Welcome Email to Students: Email Template

Welcome Email to Learning Coaches: Email Template

First 5 Days: Email Templates

*Sending out a short checklist each day for the first 5 days will help to remind students of their daily tasks and keep them engaged in the course.

Welcome Call Documentation: Question Template

*Making a phone call after sending out your welcome email is a helpful way to get to know your family, ensure they have all of the important information and know how to get in touch with you when needed. It also starts to build that important student-teacher relationship that will motivate your student and keep them engaged in your class.

Sample Student Contract focused on academic integrity: Student Contract Template

The Role of the Learning Coach PPT: Presentation PowerPoint

Share resources from our Learning Coach Resource site

Supporting Families with Orientations

Start the year off right with prepared students and families. This session will provide school program personnel with tips and tools to hosting a successful orientation for families.


Webinar PPT Slides                                       Learning Coach Resource Site

Sample Orientation Slide Deck                   Orientation Planning Document

Other ideas:

  • Create a handout with your program’s policy on attendance and grading.
  • Identify an internal program online learning coordinator where families may be directed for additional information.
  • Share overview videos from Accelerate’s You Tube channel