Advanced placement courses allow students to take special high school courses that can earn them college credit and/or qualify them for more advanced classes when they begin college. AP courses are taught at the college level and designed to prepare students to take the Advanced Placement Examination and score high enough to earn college credit in colleges that recognize the examination. Accelerate Education Advanced Placement courses are approved by the College Board.
Course Levels
Honors courses are foundationally built on that same standards and concepts of our College Prep courses. Honors courses have students complete additional assignments that build focus on higher level critical thinking and activities. These assignments make the students go above and beyond the curriculum content in creativity and application. This includes additional reading, writing and extended research papers; as well as going beyond recognizing rhetorical strategies to using strategies.
College prep courses are designed for students that are on grade level. Students are engaged in a variety of activities and assessments (including authentic assessments) appropriate to the field of study, such as labs, journals, written assignments, discussion activities, group and individual projects, formative assessments, objective tests, and written exams.
Credit Recovery are independent study courses that are designed to serve students who need independent, self-paced, standards-based courses. These courses offer an option that removes all teacher graded assessments and discussion board activities, with the exception to ELA which still contains some teacher graded items, to shorten a course without permitting students to skip any key concepts. Independent Study courses may be a particularly good option for summer school as courses are 20-30 hours shorter in duration than Original Credit courses and they do require students to cover all content within the course. With successful completion of these courses, schools may allow students to recover credits that are necessary for graduation.
Credit Recovery – Adaptive are the credit recovery courses with adaptive pre-assessments. Since students may have learned enough to make repeating an entire course unnecessary, students begin with a module assessment to first determine what they already know. If a student shows mastery of any strand, they are excused from that lesson. With successful completion of these courses, schools may allow students to recover credits that are necessary for graduation.